Scholar Athletes

Our mission
Our mission as a 501 (c) (3) Not-For-Profit organization is to support the athletic programs and sports teams of the East Islip School District while promoting and honoring the efforts and accomplishments of our athletes & coaches.
2024 Scholarship Winners:
Hank Kreutzer Award: Jake Sambo
Vincent Nadvornik Award: Kelsey Kreuscher
Uncle Bill Cea Award: Meagan Olson
James J Cummings Scholarship Award: Emma Johnson
Redmen Pride & Leadership Award: Gavin Veltman
Jay “Doc” Holiday Award: Matthew McIntee
EIABC Award: Brady Kneisel
Annually award 6 $500 College Scholarships;
Fund Senior Banners for all of our Athletes yearly;
Pay for Team Meals for our Playoff Teams;
Contribute $25 per player/team for T-shirts, or towards rings, or other commemorative memorabilia for winning their league;
New scoreboards for the soccer, baseball, softball, lacrosse & field hockey programs;
Training equipment for the wrestling program;
Training equipment for the lacrosse program;
New backboards and rims for the basketball programs at the Middle School;
New sideline benches, water supply carts and general equipment items that are shared by many of
our sports programs;
The new pole vault run for Track;
New portable tent for the Track Teams;
The large outdoor storage container for Track
team equipment;
The outfield fence and foul pole padding on the new Softball field;
The club provided support toward funding the JV bowling program;
Ice machine used by all of our sports programs and for many school activities;
& the list goes on…
These are the types of activities that the club has funded for decades and with our growing membership list, we have exciting plans to implement a Hall of Fame while continuing to provide the necessary support to insure that our EISD sports programs and our facilities remain outstanding and nothing short of top notch.
Our immediate goal towards this end is to increase our coach and parent involvement in the EIABC. Our club is only as strong as its members! We need your
help & support!
So please take that first step in supporting the EIABC by sending in your membership for the 2022-23 year. This will insure that your name is on our active member roll and you continue to receive all of the latest news on what’s happening!
EIABC Board of Directors

Our first meeting will be Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024 at the East Islip High School (meeting will be held in either the Forum or the Library).
President - Joe D’Addario
Vice President - TBD
Treasurer - Lisa Ruland
Secretary - Aileen D’Addario
Trustee -TBD
President Emeritus - Bob Sendel
Athletic Director - Steve Restivo
Guidance Director - Jason Stanton
- Awards & Scholarships -
- Coaches Council -
- College /Life Mentor Program -
- Golf Outing - Ken Kneisel
- Fundraising -

- Hall of Fame -
- Membership -
- Sports Camps/Clinics/Tournaments -
- Team Parent Council -
- Website/Social Media -